
Услуги сантехника Киев и Киевская область

Отопления дома
  • Отопление частного дома
  • Монтаж твердотопливного котла
  • Установка газового котла
  • Монтаж газового конвектора
  • Монтаж внутрипольного конвектора
  • Замена батарей отопления
  • Монтаж водяного теплого пола
  • Пайка полипропиленовых труб
  • Пайка медных труб
Сантехнические услуги
  • Установка регулятора давления
  • Установка фильтров для очистки воды
  • Монтаж газовой колонки
  • Установка смесителя
  • Установка унитаза
  • Замена смесителя
  • Установка и подключение посудомоечной, стиральной машинки
  • Установка системы защиты от протечки воды
  • Обвязка скважин
Проектирование и обслуживание
  • Расчет теплопотерь здания
  • Проектирование систем отопления
  • Проектирование водопровода
  • Проектирование водоотведения
  • Опрессовка систем отопления
  • Продувка системы сжатым воздухом
  • Заправка систем незамерзающей жидкостью
  • Установка систем солнечных коллекторов в частном доме
  • Обслуживание систем отопления


Engineering workshop

   Experienced builders know cheaper to do right at once, than later on to re-do. For this reason they obey the rule to rely only on reliable and responsible partners, especially, in such important business as engineering systems of a house.

   Our workshop is specialized on projecting, refitting and maintenance service of heating, water-supply, water conditioning, water purification and sewage systems.
We have an enormous experience on developing and installing such heating systems as radiator, air and aquatic heat-insulted floor. Due to the teambuilding spirit at work and efforts of professionals, whose experience is measured by years and dozens of years of productive work in this field, our customers receive a highest comfort, necessary level of automation and opportunity of energy-saving.

   We offer services in projecting and refitting regarding any individual necessities, provide customers a complete service of guarantee and post-guarantee maintenance of the systems, developed by us. Also, you may choose an independent technical service. We offer the trademarks of leading producers of autonomic energy-saving systems. All our business activity facilitates to the promotion of existing world standards and implementation of the recent innovations in this segment of the market. A company focuses on differentiate approach to tasks’ performance. Every task of our client is an individual project, and its performance is the best possible decision, based on the management of knowledge and resources. For providing a guaranteed result, we developed the effective system of relationship with a client. Understanding of client’s needs, individual requirements to the comfort, reliability, quality and safety allows us to create unique engineering decisions.

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